Saturday, June 25, 2011

JNPoly Heading towards Autonomy

The competitive nature of task, the thirst for becoming better and achieving excellence drive RUB to move towards choosing Autonomy operation system. This is indeed a challange but can be a better move if handle with proper vision & mission setting to achieving the goal.
Whatever may be the notion, it is definite that July-2011 await for our exit from RCSC and enter world of Autonomy. One common drive when come to co-operation, autonomy or private is that the value added for performance and vise-verse. So ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,what tomorrow about our Polytechnic.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Earthquake hits Bhutan

September 21: (BREAKING NEWS) (UPDATE) An earthquake this afternoon has claimed the life of 10 people. Of the 10 who were killed, four are in Narang Geog, one in Gyelposhing in Monggar, two in Yangneer under Trashigang Dzongkhag. This is the initial report that we have recieved from our bureau correspondents.

In Samdrupjongkhar, three Indian labourers have been killed after they were hit by falling rocks.

Another woman has been admitted in the Samdrupjongkhar hospital in critical condition.

The incident occurred six kilometers from Samdrupjongkhar towards Trashigang.

The labourers were working on the Samdrupjongkhar–Trashigang road widening work.

The earthquake has also damaged some houses.

In Chaskhar, Monggar, three two storied houses have suffered major cracks. The report was confirmed by a former Chimi, Pema Dorji who now runs a guest house. He said his guest house has also suffered minor cracks.

He said the road between Trashigang and Monggar has been blocked at Ya-yung by falling boulders. Power supply, telephone and mobile lines have also been disrupted.

The Home Minsiter, Lyonpo Minjur Dorji told BBS that there is nothing to panic. He said that Home Ministry is coordinating with the Dzongkhags and doing its best to help those affected.

The earthquake measuring 6.3 on the Richter scale hit Bhutan at around 2.53 this afternoon. The epicentre was somewhere between Trashigang and Monggar.


Monday, May 18, 2009


Here is a web page, first of it kind for Bhutanese and Bhutan-enthusiasts to enjoy 24-hour internet radio and get best of it. I am really happy to find such a great step taken place in field of media in Bhutan and we all should be proud of it.
After all, we Bhutanese and Bhutan-enthusiasts always love to get intact with the regular development, changes and happening of this great country.

visit this web page for 24-hour internet radio station of BHUTAN and get benefited of service

CLICK ON "24-HOUR INTERNET RADIO STATION" on right hand top of this webpage.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Bhutan Online News

If anyone of you like to go through bulletin of BHUTAN, then click on any of the web address given below and get updated daily or weekly. These are the major and only online newspaper.

CLICK:::on right hand top of this web with following name.
Bhutan observer
Bhutan Boardcasting
Daily News

Hope this web address will quench the thirst of thirsty news reader.
Best regards.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

The clip below will give a brief view of what actually is different in Bhutan from rest of the world and tourist get attracted most. These are few, beautiful and unique view of beautiful Himalayan country Bhutan. Do have a look and enjoy...........much more you will get from web link provided.....

Friday, April 24, 2009

Bhutan Map with Main Highway and Trek detail

The above map show the main highway connecting the tourist attraction places in Bhutan. The detail of few tourist attraction places are provided in blog titled;